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美国国务院宣布依据《武器出口管制法》( the Arms Export Control Act, as amended)和 1979 年《出口管制法》(修订版)(the Export Administration Act of 1979, as amended),对3个中国实体、1名中国人和1个巴基斯坦实体实施导弹扩散制裁。

(1)Hubei Huachangda Intelligent Equipment Company (PRC Entity), and its sub-units and successors;


(2)Universal Enterprise Limited [aka General Technology Limited, aka Beijing Luo Luo Tech Development Limited, aka Tiger Force Electronics, aka Foshan Nanhai Winhope Trade Company] (Hong Kong Entity), and its sub-units and successors;


(3)Xi’an Longde Technology Development Company Limited [aka Lontek] (PRC Entity), and its sub-units and successors;


(4)Luo Dongmei [aka Steed Luo] (PRC national).

另,巴基斯坦实体 Innovative Equipment (Pakistan Entity), and its sub-units and successors。


(A)拒绝向受制裁实体颁发转让所有导弹技术控制制度(Missile Technology Control Regime,MTCR)附件的物项(包括在美国军品清单U.S. Munitions List和商业管制清单 CCL上)的所有新许可证,期限不少于2年 。

(B)美国政府拒绝与受制裁实体签订与MTCR附件的物项有关的合约,期限不少于2年 。

(C)禁止将受制裁实体生产的所有产品进口到美国,期限不少于2年 。

对于根据 《2018 年出口管制改革法》( ECRA )管制的物品,上述出口许可仅适用于根据个别出口许可证进行的出口。

Accordingly, the following sanctions are being imposed on these entities for two years:

(A) Denial for at least two years of all new licenses for the transfer to the sanctioned entities of all Missile Technology Control Regime (MTCR) Annex Items (on both the U.S. Munitions List and Commerce Control List (CCL).

(B) Denial for at least two years of all United States Government contracts relating to MTCR Annex items with the sanctioned entities.

(C) A prohibition on all imports into the United States of products produced by the sanctioned entities for a period of not less than two years。

With respect to items controlled pursuant to the ECRA of 2018, the above export sanction only applies to exports made pursuant to individual export licenses.



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