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美国OFAC发布俄金融机构利用设立海外分支机构规避制裁的警示(Russian Attempts to Evade Sanctions Using New Overseas Branches and Subsidiaries),提醒外国监管者和外国金融机构须对俄罗斯金融机构设立分行或子机构或者通过分行或子机构开展交易有所警惕,即使有关俄罗斯金融机构未被制裁。

Treasury has a variety of tools under both its sanctions and Bank Secrecy Act authorities to target Russia’s attempts to finance its military-industrial base, including through the establishment of these new financial institution branches or subsidiaries.

Foreign regulators and financial institutions should be cautious about the establishment of, or any

dealings with, new overseas branches or subsidiaries of Russian financial institutions, including new

branches or subsidiaries of Russian financial institutions that are not themselves sanctioned.





2025年1月6日 美国国防部依据《2021财年国防授权法案》第1260H条将腾讯、宁德时代、中国远洋等中国企业列入第1260H条清单中的中国军事公司清单,该清单将扩大至134家实体。 清单虽然没有包括禾赛科技,但是公告以脚注注明,禾赛科技有限公司之前被认定为并且维持是一家...

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