2024 年 6 月 25 日
为响应欧盟理事会5月17日做出的决定,即从6月25日起禁止俄罗斯三家媒体(包括俄新社、俄罗斯军工新闻报和俄罗斯报,RIA Novosti, Izvestia MIC and Rossiyskaya Gazeta)进行广播,欧盟将采取反制措施,限制欧盟成员国媒体和系统性传播有关特别军事行动虚假信息的欧盟媒体运营商使用俄罗斯联邦的广播资源。
Austria 奥地利
1. ORF Broadcasting Corporation (orf.at);
2. Osterreich Media Holding (oe24.at);
Belgium 比利时
3. Le Vif magazine (levif.be);
4. Knack magazine (knack.be);
Bulgaria 保加利亚
5. Mediapool news and information website (Mediapool.bg);
6. 24 Chasa newspaper (24chasa.bg);
Hungary 匈牙利
7. 444.hu online information website;
Germany 德国
8. Der Spiegel magazine (spiegel.de);
9. Die Zeit newspaper (zeit.de);
10. Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung newspaper (faz.net);
Greece 希腊
11. Hellenic Broadcasting Corporation EPT (ert.gr, ertnews.gr);
12. Skai Media Holding (skai.gr);
13. Mega television channel (Megatv.com);
14. Proto Thema newspaper (protothema.gr);
Denmark 丹麦
15. Berlingske daily newspaper (berlingske.dk);
16. Information newspaper (information.dk);
Ireland 爱尔兰
17. RTE Television and Radio Broadcaster (rte.ie);
18. The Irish Times newspaper (irishtimes.com);
19. The Irish Independent newspaper (independent.ie);
Spain 西班牙
20. El Mundo newspaper (elmundo.es);
21. El Pais newspaper (elpais.com);
22. EFE news agency (efe.com);
23. Televisión Española state television broadcaster (rtve.es);
Italy 意大利
24. LA7 television channel (la7.it);
25. La Stampa newspaper (lastampa.it);
26. La Repubblica newspaper (repubblica.it);
27. RAI radio and television broadcaster (rai.it, rainews.it);
Cyprus 塞浦路斯
28. Politis newspaper (politis.com.cy);
29. Cyprus Times online information website (cyprustimes.com);
30. Cyprus Mail newspaper (cyprus-mail.com);
Latvia 拉脱维亚
31. Latvian Television Latvian Radio 4 (lsm.lv);
32. Internet portal apollo.lv;
33. Internet TV channel tvnet.lv;
34. Diena daily newspaper (diena.lv);
Lithuania 立陶宛
35. Internet portal LRT (lrt.lt);
Malta 马耳他
38. Television Malta TVMstate television channel (tvmnews.mt);
39. Times of Malta newspaper (timesofmalta.com);
40. The Malta Independent newspaper (independent.com.mt);
41. Malta Today newspaper (maltatoday.com.mt);
The Netherlands 荷兰
42. Nos Television and Radio Company (nos.nl);
43. Nrc newspaper (nrc.nl);
44. Algemeen Dagblad newspaper (ad.nl);
Poland 波兰
46. Nowaja Polsza magazine (novayapolsha.eu, novayapolsha.com novayapolsha.pl);
Portugal 葡萄牙
47. RTP internacional television channel (rtp.pt);
48. Publico newspaper (publico.pt);
49. Expresso newspaper (expresso.pt);
50. Observador news and analysis project (observador.pt);
Romania 罗马尼亚
51. Pro TV international television channel (satellites Eutelsat 16A -16 EST and Astra 5B - 31.5 EST; websites: stirileprotv.ro, protv.ro);
52. Digi24 TV channel (satellite Eutelsat 16A - 16EST; website: digi24.ro);
53. B1TV television channel (satellite "Astra 5B - 31.5 EST"; website b1tv.ro);
Slovakia 斯洛伐克
54. SME newspaper (sme.sk);
55. Dennik N internet publication (dennikn.sk);
Slovenia 斯洛文尼亚
56. Nova24 internet publication (Nova24.si, Nova24tv.si);
57. Demokracija internet publication (Demokracija.si, Demokracija.eu);
Finland 芬兰
58. Ilta-Sanomat newspaper (is.fi);
59. Iltalehti newspaper (iltalehti.fi);
60. Helsingin Sanomat newspaper (hs.fi);
61. Yleisradio television and radio company (yle.fi);
France 法国
62. LCI television channel (tf1info.fr);
63. Le Monde newspaper (lemonde.fr);
64. La Croix newspaper (la-croix.com);
65. Liberation newspaper (liberation.fr);
66. Lexpress magazine (lexpress.fr);
67. Radio France radio company (radiofrance.fr);
68. Agence France-Presse news agency (afp.com, afpforum.com);
69. CNews television channel (cnews.fr);
70. Arte TV television company (arte.tv);
The Czech Republic 捷克共和国
71. Ceska Televize TV channel (ceskatelevize.cz);
72. Seznam Zpravy internet portal (seznamzpravy.cz);
Sweden 瑞典
73. SVT television and radio company (svt.se);
74. Sveriges Radio radio company (sverigesradio.se);
Estonia 爱沙尼亚
75. Information web portal propastop.org;
76. ERR National Broadcasting Corporation (err.ee);
77. Delfi media resource (delfi.ee);
European media outlets 欧洲媒体
78. Agence Europe (agenceurope.eu);
79. Politico (www.politico.eu, www.politico.com);
80. Svoboda Satellite Package;
81. Euobserver internet publication (Euobserver.com).